专家报告:分析化学在新产品研发中的作用。(The role of Analytical Chemistry in R&D)
时 间:5月25日 18:30
地 点:1号教学楼302
主办单位: 太阳成集团tyc151cc
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Chu Zhu:
1990 PhD degree of Analytical Chemistry in Indiana University
1984 Master degree of Physical Chemistry/Polymer Physics in University of Science & Technology of China
1982 Bachelor degree of Analytical Chemistry in University of Science & Technology of China
Employment History:
1990 – 1998 Scientist; Procter & Gamble Co.
1998 - 2011 Senior Scientist; Procter Gamble Co.
2011 - present Principal Scientist; Procter & Gamble Co.
Professional Profile:
27 year experience in consumer product research and development using a variety of analytical techniques (including HPLC, Atomic Spectroscopy, GC, Microscopy, SEC/GPC, Claim and demo development, Science visualization).