10月13日下午3:00,由太阳成集团tyc151cc主办的英国皇家化学学会(RSC)学术报告在四方校区1教502教室举行,此次学术报告主讲嘉宾Sarah Thomas博士和彭红梅博士。太阳成集团tyc151cc党政领导张书圣、晋文辉、李明、钟惠民,部分教师代表,全体09级研究生参加此次会议。生态化工教育部重点实验室培育基地副主任匡少平主持此次会议。
Sarah Thomas博士向在座的师生详细的讲述了英国皇家化学会的具体情况,包括其历史,社会地位以及学会的期刊和著作。彭红梅博士向在座师生介绍了英国皇家化学会与中国的学校、研究所、企业在内的各领域的联系,英国皇家化学会在中国即将开展的学术交流安排。随后,她们与太阳成集团tyc151cc师生倾心交流,答疑解惑,气氛和谐。最后,Thomas博士将一个青花瓷盘送给太阳成集团tyc151cc以表达英国皇家化学会对我校的友好,并向太阳成集团tyc151cc师生免费分发了英国皇家化学会的宣传册。
Sarah Thomas博士,Ph. D. Department of Chemistry, University of East Anglia(with Prof. G Richard Stephenson). Transition metals in organic chemistry. International Programme Manager-Asia, Royal Society of Chemistry. In 1995 she joined the Royal Society of Chemistry as an Assistant Editor on ChemComm, she was later promoted first to Deputy Editor and then in 1999 to the Editor, a position she held for ten years. In 2009 she began a new role at the RSC as the International Programme Manager for Asia.
彭红梅博士,Ph. D.Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, NanYang Technological University (Singapore), Shanghai Representative - Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC),英国皇家化学学会(RSC)上海办事处代表。